Created: 2024/07/11

In certain areas of OnBase, such as Retrieval and Workflow, users are able to export a CSV list to Excel.  Note that the employee’s user group must have access to this permission to have access to this option in Unity Client.   The following instructions explain how to export a CSV list to Excel and further, how to convert the CSV text to columns in Excel.  Some screenshots will show 2 examples – using Retrieval and using Workflow.


Export CSV List to Excel


  1. Right-click anywhere in the results list and select “Generate CSV File”.




2. An Options box will appear.  


  1. Range
    1. All (Retrieval only) = all items from the list will be exported.
    2. Selected Items = only the items you have highlighted in the list will be exported.
    3. Assigned To (Workflow only) = you can select <Current User> (yourself) or <All Users>, which is similar to selecting All.
  2. Columns
    1. Document Name is selected by default and is usually sufficient.  If you choose to export more columns and end up not needing them, the column(s) can be deleted later in Excel.
  3. Keywords
    1. All = all keywords for each document selected will be exported.
    2. Common = only the keywords that your selected documents have in common will be exported.
    3. None = no keywords will be exported.
  4. Save to File
    1. Click the folder icon to select a location to save your report.
  5. Once a file Save location is chosen, click Generate to create your report.



Excel: Changing CSV Text to Columns


A CSV file, or comma-separated values files, is a text file that stores data in a table format, using commas to separate values.  Follow the steps below to create distinct data columns.  


  1. Highlight the entire column A by clicking on ‘A’.

2. With column A highlighted, click the Data menu tab and click “Text to Columns”.



3. When the Wizard window opens:


  1. Step 1 of 3: select Delimited.  Click Next.


        b. Step 2 of 3: check the box for Comma only.  Click Finish if you are done, or Next for…


        c. Step 3 of 3: you can choose to format your data.  This can also be done after the Wizard is closed.



4. All of your data is now is separate columns.  Don’t forget to Save As and to save in Excel format (not CSV).


  1. Note for PH & HCVP:
    1. Resident Name is formatted Last Name, First Name.  Because there is a comma within the string of first data value, an “extra” column was created.  This means that the column headers will not match the data in that same column.  You will need to insert a cell in cell B1 to shift the column headers.



  1. If all keywords are exported, this will likely include applicant/residents social security numbers (SSN).  It is best practice to NOT save documents with full SSN’s on your H: or S: drive.  This column should be deleted or shortened to the last 4 digits to avoid accidental disclosure of personal identifiable information.