Transfer/Change of Unit Resident's File in OnBase - what should I Do?


The following information should be used as a guide, please confirm with your Supervisor or Area Super User before committing to any changes.

My entire building's files are in OnBase, but I can't see this Transfer/Change of Unit Resident's File - What Should I Do?

Here are a couple of reasons why you might not see someone with any OnBase files:

  • If the resident transferred from a family development 
  • If the resident transferred from a senior development that we have not scanned yet
  • If the resident was a previous Live-in, their file was not scanned into OnBase


Next Steps:

  • Obtain possession of the file from previous development/department 
  • Prep the file as you would normally for backfile scanning 
  • Send File to IT via Interoffice Mail & notify us via HelpDesk ticket that the file needs to be scanned  
  • Continue indexing the Move-In/Transfer documents as you normally would and discard scanned pages as instructed by your department’s process



  • You will NOT see a CSeF after you've indexed these Move-In Documents because Transfers don't trigger Workflow action since transfer files aren't audited. If the resident is also in the process of an Interim or Annual Reexamination, you will see a CSeF.
  • The backfile won't be available in OnBase until IT receives it & it gets scanned


Some of my building's files are in OnBase, but I can't see this Transfer/Change of Unit Resident's File in OnBase - What Should I Do?

If the file is for a resident:

  1. From a family development, 
  2. The original Move-In was prior to 2022;
  3. And there no documents in OnBase:
  • The file will remain a paper file

If you see random documents in OnBase for a resident's file that should be paper only:

  • Print the documents and add to the paper file
  • Notify IT via HelpDesk ticket that the OnBase documents need to be deleted



If the file is for a resident from a family development that has documents in OnBase:

  • The file will remain paperless in OnBase
  • You will scan & Index the Move-In/Transfer documents as you normally would and discard scanned pages as instructed by your department’s process.